CREW – Short Walks
Spring Hall
We start our walk from the North Bridge Leisure Centre, cross the carpark towards the main entrance of Sainsbury’s, exit on to Wade Street, turn right and walk up to Winding Road. Turn left and walk along Winding Road and Square Road towards the Railway Station.
Your will pass The Piece Hall, Industrial Museum, Library and The Square Chapel, all worth a visit if you have the time or for another day.
At the Railway Station continue along Church Street and continue along South Parade, crossing over Water Lane onto Shay Syke. Pass the Shay Football Stadium and the bus garages to join Huddersfield Road. Turn left and walk to the main entrance to Spring Hall.
Walk down to the main building and pass the entrance to a gate in the bottom right-hand corner. Turn left into Spring Hall Lane, go over the railway bridge and down the hill, at the bottom turn sharp left and into Shaw Lane. Turn left and walk towards the large mill complex of Holdsworth’s. Just before the mills on your right is a cobbled path – Kell Lane – bringing you down to the side of The Shears Inn, walk up the road and turn right onto Whitegate Road.
At the far end of the bridge on your left you will find a narrow path, which follows the Hebble Brook, continue along this path which will bring you to some steps leading on to Water Lane, cross the road and walk along Waterside towards the Nestle Works. At the end of Waterside take the right-hand path around the buildings and wildlife area.
You will come onto Bailey Hall, walk under the viaduct, passing the old coal drops. Continue past Matalan, turn right up Bank Bottom on to Charlestown Road and back towards Sainsbury’s and the NBLC.